Technical SEO

Technical SEO audits evaluate SEO elements across five major areas: site crawling, site indexing, site structure, site speed, and site management. Our technical SEO services include in-depth reviews and prioritized recommendations to help you decide what needs to be fixed now based on real ROI and cost-benefit. You’ll also receive frequent checkups to ensure everything is running smoothly.

What is technical SEO?

Technical SEO audits and analysis ensures your website is set up for success — both now and in the future. Technical SEO audit includes the evaluation of a large number of SEO elements across five major areas: site crawling, site indexing, site structure, site speed, and site management. In essence, these are the five areas that Google and other search bots look at first and, if you’re not ranking like you want to be, these are the areas that can usually use the most support. Once technical SEO components have been improved, a business site’s Google and search rankings will likely improve, as will traffic and visibility. But it’s called technical SEO for a reason: because it’s not just keywords or links.

What to expect from technical SEO services

At V9, we perform technical SEO audits that are based on cutting-edge best practices. Our initial technical SEO audit and analysis includes an in-depth report on the current state of your website’s technical components as it influences SEO and search rankings. Our team of SEO experts uses a variety of tools to pinpoint trouble spots, but each element is then reviewed by a V9 SEO specialist to ensure that the findings are relevant to your site and your online business goals.

After the initial technical SEO review has been completed, we also offer periodic checkups for the technical components of your site and server. These checkups are quick and often provide updated information based on Google and search engine updates, as well as confirm that nothing has gone wrong with your site or server. If we identify anything concerning, your dedicated V9 team can work with your development or e-commerce team to address it.

Because it is a technical SEO review, we also spend time with you and your team to discuss the review and establish a better understanding — and resolution — of the findings. We know you probably don’t love talking about the differences between XML and HTML sitemaps, site scripts, or load speed like we do. That’s why we make technical SEO reports condensed and easy to understand for non-developers. Our prioritized findings also make it easy for you and your team to decide what’s worth your time, money, and energy to update.

Are technical SEO services right for your business?

Technical SEO elements are sometimes overlooked in website management or content strategy, as they can be more complex than keywords, headers, and anchor text. More often, though, businesses don’t have an up-to-date technical SEO process and have been following outdated legacy information that doesn’t do them or their site any favors. That’s why an expert technical SEO review is best for businesses that want to rank higher in search and that want to create processes that continue to build their repertoire with search bots. You also don’t want to waste money, which is why V9 focuses only on technical SEO when there is a positive ROI for your brand. We provide a prioritized recommendations list, which empowers you to make technical SEO updates or changes based on cost and other resource availability.

Ready to grow your business online?

Whether you’re trying to build brand awareness on social media or needing to drive more traffic from search engines, we’re here to help you connect with your audience and hit those strategic goals.

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