Data Analysis
See the big picture in your Google Analytics account with our data analysis services. We’ll help you view data in a new light, so you can make critical decisions for your organization.
Data Analysis
Who runs the world? Data. And if you’re a business operating in today’s world, you’ll need data to make the impact (and revenue) you want. Unfortunately, though, data is pretty much limitless. So which data sets are most important to your business, and how do you collect and interpret that data for better conversions and higher ROI? Our data analysis services can help you find out.
What is data analysis?
Data analysis is a pretty broad term for collecting, interpreting, and modeling data to help you see trends, outcomes, and problems regarding a certain action. Sounds like a total snooze-fest, right? Wrong. Data analysis, as it pertains to your brand, is one of the most valuable tools you’ve got in your toolbelt.
That’s because it can help you automate reporting, track website traffic, trigger alerts for KPIs, analyze the success of a specific channel or campaign, and even break down cost per acquisition on your ads, funnels, and more. With the right tools, like Google Analytics, you can leverage multi-channel conversion attribution, which is just a fancy way of saying “Which channel(s) helped convert a visitor into a customer?”
Data analysis also helps automate reporting, so your marketing team always knows what’s up, and so you can report the good news to the big boss. But to “do” data analysis right, you need someone who loves data. A data junkie, if you will.
What to expect from data analysis
At V9, our trained analysts are “data junkies” who excel at interpreting numbers and trends. And with their data analysis help, you get more than a few tutorials on how to navigate your analytics dashboard. We work with you to make sure your analysis setup is designed with your business goals in mind, with your KPIs, benchmarks, and industry comparisons loaded in for you. That way, you can always tell if you’re on track with a single glance.
Our senior data analysts also offer regular meetings to discuss your data analysis, as well as prioritized recommendations that help you effortlessly assign resources to what’s actually important. Best of all, you get customized reporting to meet your (and your stakeholders’) needs.
From setting up analytics dashboards and automating reporting to diving into shopping cart fall-out and multi-channel attribution, our data junkies are committed to setting you up for success with your analytics tools, systems, and translations. Because we know that data is a language all its own, and we want to help you speak it.
Is data analysis right for your business?
In an increasingly online world, businesses don’t see customers or clients walk through the front door. You won’t know who they are, what they’re interacting with, or what makes them convert to your brand… unless you’ve got data. You also need to evaluate and interpret the right data for your business’s goals, so you can understand your site visitors, customers, and campaigns.
If you want a better understanding of what works and why, you need data analysis. V9’s data junkies are looking for their next fix, so call us.